Title: Coyote kills Cricket with Elk Fat (typed manuscript)
isVersionof (published English translation): 18 Coyote kills Cricket with elk fat (Mistaken Kindness)
isVersionof (fieldnotes): III Coyote kills Cricket by feeding him Elk Grease
Subject: Unpublished typed manuscript; Coeur d'Alene narrative
Description: Unpublished typed manuscript; Coeur d'Alene narrative; Narrator: Dorothy Nicodemus; Numbered III; Date recorded 1927-1929 Idaho USA; Corresponds to Coyote kills Cricket by feeding him Elk Grease handwritten fieldnotes numbered III and English translation numbered 18 in Reichard 1947 "Coyote kills Cricket with elk fat (Mistaken Kindness)" page 141 [http://archive.org/stream/analysisofcoeurd41reic#page/140/mode/2up].
Type: Text, typed
Source: Facsimile from unpublished Reichard Coeur d'Alene manuscripts
Coverage: crd, Coeur d'Alene
Coverage: 1927-1929
Date: 2009
Modified: 2012
Creator (narrator): Dorothy Nicodemus
Creator (interpreter): Julia Antelope Nicodemus
Creator (linguist): Gladys Reichard
Creator (co-editor): Lawrence Nicodemus
Creator (co-editor): Julia Antelope Nicodemus
Creator (co-editor): Gladys Reichard
Format: PDF and PNG
Identifier: URL from digital archive deposited into (e.g. ELAR) (coming soon)
Identifier (COLRC URL): http://lasrv01.ipfw.edu/COLRC/texts/18_fckc/crdt27-29_tm18.pdf
Identifier (COLRC NO.): crdt27-29_tm18
Language (ISO639-3): eng-US, English
Language (ISO639-3): crd, Coeur d'Alene
Language: Coeur d'Alene with English gloss