Title: Rabbit and Jack Rabbit (audio Coeur d'Alene and English) Part I and Part II
isFormatof (Published English Translation): 35 Rabbit and Jack Rabbit
isFormatof (typed manuscript): XXXVII Rabbit and Jack Rabbit
Subject: Reading of unpublished typed manuscript and English translation; Coeur d'Alene Narrative
Description: Reading of unpublished typed manuscript and English translation; Coeur d'Alene narrative Rabbit and Jack Rabbit; Reader: Lawrence Nicodemus; Date recorded circa 1935; Recording of Lawrence Nicodemus reading "Rabbit and Jack Rabbit" in Coeur d'Alene and English recorded circa 1935 by Gladys Reichard. Coeur d'Alene version of XXXVIII Rabbit and Jack Rabbit typed manuscripts and English translation numbered 35 in Reichard 1947 "Rabbit and Jack Rabbit" page 192 [http://archive.org/stream/analysisofcoeurd41reic#page/192/mode/2up]. Original recorded on 12 inch discs stored at Indiana University Bloomington Archive of Traditional Music url: [http://www.indiana.edu/~libarchm/] Collection title: 85-550-F. Idaho, Coeur d'Alene. Gladys Reichard, ca. 1935. Speaker: Lawrence Nicodemus.
Type: Audio, wave file (.wav)
Source: Digital copy of 12 inch disc
Coverage: crd, Coeur d'Alene
Coverage: 1927-1929, pre-1935
Date: 2012
Creator (COLRC Team): Shannon Bischoff (2012)
Creator (COLRC Team): Amy Fountain (2012)
Creator (linguist): Gladys Reichard
Creator (reader): Lawrence Nicodemus
Format: wave file (.wav)
Identifier (permanent): Indiana University Bloomington Archive of Traditional Music, Collection Title: 85-550-F. Idaho, Coeur d'Alene. Gladys Reichard, ca. 1935. Speaker: Lawrence Nicodemus.
Identifier (COLRC URL): http://lasrv01.ipfw.edu/COLRC/audio/crdt27-29_arc-e35.wav
Identifier (COLRC NO.): crdt27-29_arc-e35
Language (ISO639-3): eng-US, English
Language (ISO639-3): crd, Coeur d'Alene
Language: Coeur d'Alene with English translation